Страница 59- ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс Учебник Биболетова, Трубанева (решебник) - GDZwow

Страница 59- ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс Учебник Биболетова, Трубанева

Рассмотрим ответы на Страница 59 из учебника по английскому языку для 8 класса Биболетовой
19. Listen to the interview broadcast by a local radio studio and say why Andrew Gramm decided to become an ecologist. Послушайте интервью местной радиостудии и расскажите, почему Эндрю Грэмм решил стать экологом.
Аудио к заданию:
− And now at last I can introduce Andrew Gramm to you who has just joined us in our studio. Good morning, Andrew!
− Morning! Sorry for my being late − traffic jams. I just got stuck in the centre.
− Ah, it’s a nice start for a day for a person who is going to talk about nature and the environment, isn’t it?
− Oh, yes, it sounds a bit ironic.
− Getting stuck in a traffic jam means you came to us by car, doesn’t it?
− Yes, I’m using the car today.
− Oh, it’s not in line with the main motto of ecologists, is it? You always say that there are too many cars on streets. They pollute the environment. Air pollution is one of the main problems in big cities, isn’t it?
− Yes, that’s right.
− And you? I mean, ecologists always say that people should give up their personal cars and use public transport, don’t you?
− Yes, and I fully support the idea that we should use public transport whenever it’s possible. Cars produce a great amount of gases harmful to people, animals and even plants. I live in a suburbs and usually get to the city by train. But today I had a kind of an accident actually.
− Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What happened, Andrew?
− Nothing serious, I just twisted my ankle when I was walking my dog. He’s a 1 year−old labrador and enjoys running and fetching balls. I stumbled when I was throwing the ball for him. So, it hurts to walk. And the way from my house to the station is pretty long. I decided to go by car as a sort of exception certainly.
− And how is your ankle now? Does it hurt?
− A bit. But the way from my house to the railway station is pretty long and I don’t think I would be able to do it on foot.
− Sure.
− If I hadn’t had that little accident, I would have taken the train.
− Certainly. And let’s get down to business − to the topic of today’s programme.
− Right.
− We’re going to talk about what people − not only ecologists − could do to protect the environment from pollution. It’s an old problem actually. I remember when I was a child my mum wrote articles on this problem for several journals. She worked mainly for wildlife journals.
− Amazing to be in a profession since your childhood. I, on the contrary, started getting interested in ecology only a few years ago.
− Did you?
− Yes, I used to work in the tourist business and due to my former job I can see how much harm we have done to the planet and how much harm we will do if we do not change our ways.
− I’ve just got a message from one of our listeners. He asks what an ecologist actually does, what’s his job. I believe we should clear up this point before we go further.
− Yes, certainly. An ecologist is a person who …

20. a) Listen to the interview once more. Mark the statements as T (true) or F (false). Correct the false statements. b) Say whether you support Andrew’s views of public transport and private cars. Explain your position. а) Послушайте интервью еще раз. Отметьте утверждения как T (истина) или F (ложь). Исправьте ложные заявления. b) Скажите, согласны ли вы с мнением Эндрю об общественном транспорте и частных автомобилях. Объясните свою позицию.

21. Explain what, in your opinion, ecologists do. Would you like to become an ecologist? Why? / Why not? Use the following phrases if necessary. Объясните, чем, по вашему мнению, занимаются экологи. Вы хотели бы стать экологом? Почему? / Почему нет? При необходимости используйте следующие фразы.

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