Страница 139- ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс Учебник Биболетова, Трубанева (решебник) - GDZwow

Страница 139- ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс Учебник Биболетова, Трубанева

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56. Look at the postcard and remember its layout. Посмотрите на открытку и запомните ее образец.
Дорогая Джейн,

57. Write your own postcard to a pen friend from an English−speaking country and send him / her greetings on a holiday (New Year, Christmas, birthday etc). Use Ex. 56 as a model. Напишите свою открытку другу по переписке из англоязычной страны и отправьте ему / ей поздравление с праздником (Новый год, Рождество, день рождения и т. д.). Используйте Упражнение 56 в качестве модели.

58. Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentences. Прослушайте диалог и завершите предложения.

Аудио к заданию:
− Hi, Kate, it’s so good to see you.
− Hi, Steve. I’m glad to see you, too. You’ve got a great tan. Have you been anywhere for your Christmas holidays?
− Yes, I went to Australia. My cousin invited me to celebrate Christmas with his family.
− Christmas in the ‘lucky country’ means that the coming year will bring you luck and fortune.
− I hope so.
− What’s Christmas like in Australia?
− Well, Australian Christmas differs a lot from the things on Christmas cards. Christmas day falls in the middle of the summer − it’s hot and the sun is shining.
− And how did the Australians celebrate Christmas?
− The same way we do it in Europe. The cities and towns are nicely decorated with lights. The signs of Christmas are everywhere − Christmas trees, candles and snowmen. Typical Australian decorations, such as figures of koalas, white kangaroos and parrots, are also used. Small statues os native animals are dressed in Santa red hats.
− Oh, I wish I could see that. What about the Australian Christmas tree?
− Most families have a Christmas tree either real or fake at home. Nowadays it’s more often fake than real. Christmas day in Australia is associated with family, presents and food.
− I see, they have Christmas dinner too, don’t they?
− Yes, nowadays because of the heat most families don’t cook traditional turkey roast dinners like in Britain. They prefer having a barbeque on the beach or a picnic in the park. Meals of cold meat and seafood are prepared. In my cousin’s family, soft cake topped with whipped cream and fresh fruit has replaced traditional Christmas cake. And it’s really delicious.
− What did you do during your Christmas holidays?
− Australian Christmas falls in the hottest month of the year. That’s why Australians prefer swimming, surfing, sailing and riding bicycles to staying at home and watching TV. Picnics and barbeques are also very popular. And I spent last Christmas as a real Australian − swimming and cycling. I even tried windsurfing.
− Wow! That’s great!
− And how did you spend Christmas?
− With my parents and my sister’s family. It was a traditional Christmas with presents under the Christmas tree, turkey and Christmas cake.

59. Work in pairs. Discuss why Australian Christmas has so much in common with the traditional holiday. Define the specific features of the Australian holiday. Работа в парах. Обсудите, почему у австралийского Рождества так много общего с традиционным праздником. Определите особенности австралийского праздника.

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