Страница 100- ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс Учебник Биболетова, Трубанева (решебник) - GDZwow

Страница 100- ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс Учебник Биболетова, Трубанева

Рассмотрим ответы на Страница 100 из учебника по английскому языку для 8 класса Биболетовой
59. Listen to the interview with Jim Moor, a photographer. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Послушайте интервью с фотографом Джимом Муром. Скажите, верны ли следующие утверждения или нет.

Аудио к заданию:
− And this evening we are talking to Jim Moor, a photographer. You can see his photographs in different magazines. Some of his recent works were awarded with various international prizes. In a week Jim Moor’s photo exhibition will be held in the City Centre. Jim, what kind of photographs can we see there?
− Different ones. For example, there are some photos that I took in Australia, in the Simpson Desert. Sometimes there is no rain in the desert for years. Three months ago I managed to take rare photos of the desert after the rain had fallen. The red sand dunes covered with colourful flowers are really wonderful. There are also some photos of an active volcano in Iceland. And many other photos of natural sights.
− I see. So, there are no photos with skyscrapers and busy streets, crowded squares and historical monuments at the exhibition?
− No, I don’t like noisy cities. I prefer the peaceful countryside.
− Jim, you travelled a lot. According to your photos you often climb mountains, hike into remote places and go into volcano craters. You often take risks when taking photos, don’t you? Why?
− Yes, risks are a part of my profession. I often have to take them to take a good photo. Why? A difficult question. I just want to stop the moment and then share it with other people.

61. a) Look at the occupations in Ex.60. Say which one, in your opinion, is. b) Would you like to choose any of them as a job? Why? а) Посмотрите на профессии в Упражнении 60. Скажите, какая из них, по вашему мнению, является. b) Хотели бы вы выбрать какую−нибудь из них в качестве работы? Почему?

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