Страница 17 - ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 2 (решебник) - GDZwow

Страница 17 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 2

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Рассмотрим ответы на Страница 17 из учебника по английскому языку для 6 класса Афанасьевой
A. Bob and Betty are thinking what to do this Sunday. Make up questions for them.
to go to the museum/to go to the picture gallery.
Shall we go to the museum or the picture gallery?
1) to go to the supermarket/to go to the restaurant
2) to go to the circus/to go to the cinema
3) to go to the zoo/to go to the park
4) to walk in the park/to ride the bikes
5) to swim in the lake/to swim in the swimming pool
6) to go to the restaurant/to cook lunch
7) to go to the country by train/to go there by bus
8) to read books and magazines in the evening/to watch television in the evening
B. Work in pairs. Speak about what you are planning to do together next weekend.
− Shall we go to the cinema?
− Yes, let’s. It’s a wonderful idea./No, let’s not. I was in the cinema yesterday.

Listen, CD (78), and read the sentences. What do the new words mean?
1) There was an old wigwam [ˈwɪɡwæm] in the forest.
2) That is an ancient ceremony [ˈserɪməni]. It is some centuries old.

Listen and read, CD (79).
arrive (at/in) [əˈraɪv] − прибывать в
fight [faɪt] − драться, сражаться
hope [həʊp] − надеяться
hunt [hʌnt] − охотиться на, охотиться ради
remember [rɪˈmembə] − помнить
still [stɪl] − всё ещё
through [θru:] − сквозь, через
far away − далеко
the same − такой же, тот же самый
arrive: to arrive in Europe, to arrive in Asia, to arrive at the museum, to arrive at the airport. When will John Fox arrive in New York?
fight (fought): to fight for your land, to fight for your home, to fight with the enemy. All Russian people fought for their country against the enemy in 1941—1945.
hope: to hope for success, to hope for your future, to hope for a better life. Let’s hope for the best.
hunt: to hunt (for) animals, to hunt (for) rabbits. We hunted (for) rabbits in the hills. To hunt for food, to hunt for sport. American Indians hunted for food. Crocodiles are good hunters.
remember: to remember everything, to remember nothing. Do you remember the house where we lived in summer? I can/can’t remember her name at the moment.
still: It is still raining. It is still snowing. Do you still play tennis? We were still cleaning the house when my friends started to arrive.
through: through the country, through the forest, through the window. The railway runs through a tunnel. Mrs Robinson was watching her son through the kitchen window.
the same: to go to the same school, to have the same problem, to speak the same language, to do the same. Shall we meet at the same time on Sunday?
far away: to live far away, to be situated far away from the sea. The Fletchers live far away in the north.

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