Страница 128 - ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 2 (решебник) - GDZwow

Страница 128 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 2

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Complete the dialogues. Use the sentences from the box. Work in pairs. Make similar dialogues and act them out.
a) What did she wear?
b) What’s the matter, poor thing?
c) Wow!
d) I thought it was Monday.
e) He has no time for it.
f) I don’t think she’ll like it.
g) It’s very clever of you.
h) What made you unhappy?
1) − It’s Tuesday today.
− Is it? … .
2) − I know the answer.
− Do you? … .
3) − I was the best!
− Were you? … .
4) − Sara looked wonderful.
− Did she? … .
5) − James should have a hobby.
− Should he? … .
6) − I can’t eat ice cream today.
− Can’t you? … .
7) − I felt very sad.
− Did you? … .
8) − Nina must visit this museum.
− Must she? … .

A. Read the text and give it a name.
Hi! My name is Rose.
I would like to tell you about my best friend Lizzy. She is a very warm and friendly girl, always ready to help. Last week, when I was ill, Lizzy walked my dog in the morning and in the evening and she helped me with my homework. You see, she is a real friend.
Lizzy is nice and joyful. She is fond of singing and dancing and is a good athlete. She is quite strong but looks very slim in her blue jeans and T−shirts which are her favourite clothes. She likes to wear trainers too.
Lizzy is honest and reliable and very modest. She doesn’t like it when people say she is so good. Lizzy is a great theatregoer. She usually goes to the theatre three or four times a month. Then she puts on some fashionable dresses, skirts or blouses. She usually wears nice shoes in the theatre.
B. Say which of these are true, false or not stated.
1) Lizzy is rather tall.
2) Lizzy is a helpful girl.
3) Lizzy never wears skirts and dresses.
4) Lizzy is good at sport.
5) Lizzy doesn’t like to wear leggins and trousers.
6) Lizzy often goes to the theatre.

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