Страница 79- ГДЗ Английский язык 6 класс Учебник Вербицкая. Часть 1 (решебник) - GDZwow

Страница 79- ГДЗ Английский язык 6 класс Учебник Вербицкая. Часть 1

Ответы на вопросы 21, 22 к странице 79 из учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Вербицкая часть 1

21. Do you remember the difference between ‘holiday’ and ‘festival’?

Read the definitions of these words.

Try to explain in Russian the difference between ‘holiday’ and ‘festival’.

Give your examples of Russian holidays and festivals.

22. Would you like to have a New Year party at school?

You can rganize an international party showing traditions of different countries.

Do some research using the Internet and decide what you can do at the party: sing ‘Auld Lang Syne’, listen to Christmas carols, eat special food… or do something else.

Make a poster with the invitation and the programme of the party.

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