Страница 110 - ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 4 класса Учебник Биболетова, Денисенко, Трубанева Enjoy English Student's Book (решебник) - GDZwow

Страница 110 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 4 класса Учебник Биболетова, Денисенко, Трубанева Enjoy English Student’s Book

Рассмотрим ответы на Страница 110 из учебника по английскому языку для 4 класса Биболетовой
Say these phrases in Russian.
1) once upon a time
2) the best cheese in all the land
3) everyone could smell the cheese
4) the king called the wise men
5) how to get rid of the mice
6) that’s easy

Arrange the sentences in the correct order. Choose the right variant.
☐ The mice lived in the palace and ate the king’s cheese.
☐ Everyone in the country could smell that cheese.
☐ The king called his wise men to help him. “That’s easy,” the wise men answered.
☐ He lived in a beautiful palace and he liked cheese.
☐ Once upon a time there lived a king.
☐ He asked, “How can I get rid of these mice?”

Say to a classmate who said these words:
a) “How can I get rid of these mice?”

Look at the pictures. Match the pictures with the text. Read the text in the correct order.
☐ A The wise men brought in dogs: big dogs, little dogs, white dogs, spotted dogs. The dogs chased every cat out of the palace.
☐ В Now the cats were very happy. They liked to live in the palace. But the king was not happy. He didn’t want to live with the cats.
☐ С Now the dogs were happy. They liked to live in the palace. But the king was not happy, he didn’t want to live with the dogs.
☐ D The king called back his wise men. “How can I get rid of these cats?” he asked them. “That’s easy,” said the wise men. “We know how to get rid of them.”
☐ E Once again the king called in his wise men. “How can I get rid of these dogs?” he asked them. “That’s easy,” said the wise men. “We know how to get rid of them.”

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